pastel on watercolor
pen & pencils

In your eyes I found serenity,
the spark that settled my uncertain mind,
All I can promise now is just fidelity,
until the certain will dissolveour time.
Will you give me all you soul's desire?
So I could bathe in this eternal bliss,
Cause you have set my heart on fire,
my lips are craving for a kiss,
My body's trembling at you presence,
my thought had lost its status quo,
I lost my way, my knees are bending,
a feeling worthy living for.

Freedom, Truth, Equality.

Those who live by time wont see,
freedom, truth, equality.
For their days are ever numbered,
ignorant, as they have never wondered.
Than, when time controlled by fear,
year by year will disappear,
until the climax of the whole,
will burst to light in an endless chore.
Of love and life, of things forgotten,
in a bizzare dance, of the free.
And now i feel its grip, its wrapping,
of freedom, truth, equality.

Ordinary sin

Everyone is talking,
but no one seems to listen.
Continuously searching,
and still, entirely missing.
Traveling so far,
just to return within.
Spinning in a circle,
of ordinary sin.

Eternal flaws

This has guts a thrill ascending,
very bright and quite demanding,
venturing in space like dust,
a variable of higher trust.
Its not the end nor the beginning,
just a different state of being,
I am at the mercy of higher laws,
mending my eternal flaws.

In times

In times when religion excels in division,
endlessly blurs emotions and vision,
he who takes courage and asks himself "why",
suddenly bathes in the lightful divine.
And though its not a carefree living,
but it certainly enriches the being,
for anything is but a glimpse,
in to the infinite realm of dreams.

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